In the image of the saints

4,00 €

Virgin and Child icon pouch, black background

small model

Icon pouch in gold weaving with the effigy of a magnificent and classic Virgin and Child. Visual on 2 sides. Personalized by a gilded metal medal specific to the cathedral of Reims, the Crowned Virgin and Child of the central portal on one side and a representation of the cathedral on the other. Zipper, black interior. Can be used as a rosary pouch. Dimensions 7 x 10 cm.

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Virgin and Child icon pouch, black backgroundVirgin and Child icon pouch, black backgroundVirgin and Child icon pouch, black backgroundVirgin and Child icon pouch, black background
  • Virgin and Child icon pouch, black background
  • Virgin and Child icon pouch, black background
  • Virgin and Child icon pouch, black background
  • Virgin and Child icon pouch, black background
Virgin and Child icon pouch, black background

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